To find the right candidate in your database — easy!
Good news for our users — search engine in “Persia” has become more convenient. We know how important it is for a recruiter to orient themselves quickly in their own candidate database, so we’ve added new search parameters and improved the existing ones.
Jobs search. In search parameters we’ve added the ability to look for candidates who are already connected to specific vacancies, but they also have required categories for the new job. For example, a month ago, you have successfully shut down the marketing position, and now you’ve got the task to find a content manager for the customer. You suspect that your database has candidates who are suitable for the new job by category and skills. To find resumes you need to use the vacancies search. To begin you should define among which candidates’ position you want to find resumes. If necessary note the category and skills to filter out unsuitable candidates, and the result will give you a summary of suitable applicants. Read more…